Kim Davidson, J.D.


Firm: Law & Mediation Offices of Kimberly Davidson
Tel: (310) 374-2025

Primary Address
2200 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 103
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

About Kimberly

Kimberly Davidson's practice focuses on helping clients reduce the pain of divorce by offering non-litigation alternatives that address the legal, emotional and financial aspects of divorce through Collaborative Practice and Mediation. A graduate of Southwestern University School of Law, Kimberly also holds a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Loyola Marymount University. She is a leader in the alternative dispute resolution community and is past-president of the statewide organization, Collaborative Practice California, founder of A Better DivorceTM, and 2008 President of the South Bay Bar Association. In 2006, Kimberly was honored with the Eureka award for excellence in Collaborative Practice.

"The mainstream, adversarial system of divorce in our country doesn't work. The system itself inflicts pain. I believe most people facing divorce want to be fair and to cause as little damage as possible to their spouse and children. My goal is to assist individuals in choosing an option that works for them whether that be mediation or collaborative family law. The goal is divorce with dignity… my job is to help you achieve that goal."

- Kimberly Davidson Attorney

For more detailed information about Kimberly Davidson Attorney, please visit her website at

Benefits of a California “No Court” Divorce

  • Promotes respect and keeps you in control of the process
  • Reduces conflict and negative emotions
  • Helps couples focus on their most important goals
  • Keeps information private so sensitive issues and finances remain out of the public eye.
  • Saves time and resources by keeping the process out of court
This web site is designed as a resource for separating and divorcing couples to learn about collaborative practice to resolve family law matters. You can learn more about Collaborative Practice or California No Court Divorce by contacting one of our professionals listed.