Anthony Aloia, Ph.D.

Anthony Aloia Psychologist, Torrance

Mental Health Professional

Tel: (310) 539-4281

Primary Address
23560 Madison Street, Suite 216
Torrance, CA 90505

About Anthony

Anthony Aloia Psychologist, has maintained a private practice as a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist since 1974. His forensic specialty is high-conflict divorce and custody disputes. He has completed one thousand child custody evaluations for the Superior Court. A trained mediator, divorce coach, and child specialist, he has successfully mediated numerous divorce and child custody disputes, and during the last eight years as a member of A Better DivorceTM, has provided divorce coaching and child specialist consultation to divorcing clients. An expert in managing high-conflict and difficult clients, he offers training seminars and continuing education to family law practitioners, including litigating and collaborative attorneys, financial specialists, and mental health practitioners.

Benefits of Collaborative Practice

  • Promotes respect and keeps you in control of the process
  • Reduces conflict and negative emotions
  • Helps couples focus on their most important goals
  • Keeps information private so sensitive issues and finances remain out of the public eye.
  • Saves time and resources by keeping the process out of court
This web site is designed as a resource for separating and divorcing couples to learn about collaborative practice to resolve family law matters. You can learn more about collaborative practice by contacting one of our professionals listed.