Diana L. Martinez J.D.

Firm: Firm:
Law & Mediation Offices of Diana L. Martinez
Tel: (562) 367-8001
Email: DianaM@DLMartinezLaw.com
Website: www.DLMartinezLaw.com
Primary Address:
111 West Ocean Blvd.,
4th Floor, Long Beach, CA 90802
About Diana
I’ve been a California licensed attorney for over 25 years, and, since 2007, I’ve dedicated my practice to healthier ways to resolve conflicts. I help people during major life transitions to:
- Make informed decisions
- Answer the family, legal, and financial questions of today with a focus on their future
- Have a voice in the outcome
- Improve their family, emotional, and financial well-being moving forward
Our services include:
- Collaborative and traditional prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
- Family and individual planning for life and death (Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney)
- Mediation, Co-Mediation, Consulting, and Collaborative Divorce
- Division of retirement accounts – Qualified Domestic Relations Orders ("QDROs")
Our process is facilitative and aspires to be transformative through:
- Careful screening to ensure we are a good fit for your goals and situation
- A team made up of family, financial, and legal professionals
- 24/7 access to an online client portal containing informational guides and worksheets on topics such as QDROs, estate planning, spousal support, and productive communication
About Diana L. Martinez:
- License
- 1998 California State Bar
- Professional Affiliations
- State Bar of California
- Los Angeles County Bar Association & Family Law Executive Committee
- Long Beach Bar Association
- Collaborative Practice of California (Board of Directors)
- A Better Divorce
- Collaborative Divorce Solutions of Orange County (Past President)
- International Association of Collaborative Professionals (Training Staff)
- Awards
- 2016-2024 Southern California Super Lawyers
- 2018 Riverside Superior Court/County Bar Association Jane Addams Award
- 2017 Collaborative Practice California Eureka Award
- 2014 Riverside Superior Court Peacemaker Award
- 2013 Southern California Rising Stars
- Languages
- English
- Spanish
Benefits of Collaborative Practice
- Promotes respect and keeps you in control of the process
- Reduces conflict and negative emotions
- Helps couples focus on their most important goals
- Keeps information private so sensitive issues and finances remain out of the public eye.
- Saves time and resources by keeping the process out of court
This web site is designed as a resource for separating and divorcing couples to learn about collaborative practice to resolve family law matters. You can learn more about collaborative practice by contacting one of our professionals listed.