Vi Ballard
Tel: (310) 373-7994
Fax: (310) 373-7994
Primary Address
3424 W. Carson Street, Suite 580
Torrance, CA 90503
About Vi Ballard
"The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark."
- Barbara Hall
Divorce is a difficult process and an emotional trauma for everyone. As a "Collaborative Divorce Coach" I can help you get through the rollercoaster of emotions you may experience. I know you love your children and hopefully I can help you develop a parenting plan that works for you and them. If you choose the collaborative approach you will most likely save time and money.
Please call me for a free fifteen minute consultation.
-Vi Ballard Therapist
Benefits of Collaborative Practice
- Promotes respect and keeps you in control of the process
- Reduces conflict and negative emotions
- Helps couples focus on their most important goals
- Keeps information private so sensitive issues and finances remain out of the public eye.
- Saves time and resources by keeping the process out of court
This web site is designed as a resource for separating and divorcing couples to learn about collaborative practice to resolve family law matters. You can learn more about collaborative practice by contacting one of our professionals listed.