A Better Divorce is a group of 30 collaborative law professionals consisting of attorneys, mental health professionals and financial professionals.
A Better Divorce was formally established in 2002 by a group of professionals whose goal was to provide a better way for people to resolve their family law matters than the traditional litigation process. Our goal as a group is to help families resolve their issues in a way that preserves the family, so that everyone can participate in major life events, such as graduations, weddings and other important events.
It is our belief that in order to truly work well collaboratively with other professionals in the stressful arena of family law, it is essential to get to know and understand each other and our styles of working. Some of the ways that we do this include regular monthly meetings, ongoing trainings, retreats, as well as participation in LACFLA, CP Cal and IACP , the local, statewide and international collaborative organizations. We host trainings for other collaborative professionals, and have provided educational seminars to the general public, thereby sharing critical information and expanding awareness of collaborative divorce as an alternative to litigation.
A Better Divorce assists families in non-court, non-adversarial solutions to their family law matters with a ‘win-win’ attitude toward resolving conflicts.