When you start the divorce process, it can be overwhelming. You may feel that every move you make complicates the situation that much more.
One of the aspects of divorce that can be very overwhelming is how your financial landscape will be divided.
When you and your spouse work with a collaborative divorce team, you will be supported by lawyers who agree to stay away from court-litigation as well as other divorce experts that can be available to you. The team may include a divorce coach, mental health professional, child specialist and financial specialist.
The financial specialist is a valuable team member. He or she aims to review your financial environment neutrally and transparently. This expert will create a well-researched financial report that considers each partner’s concerns and needs. They will then review this information with you and help to determine what financial plan would serve your needs, both now and in the future.
Often when this occurs, both sides can reach an amicable divorce agreement, from an informed perspective, that keeps their interests and needs in mind.
Here are a few other ways a Financial Divorce Specialist can help guide you through the divorce process:
- Analyzes tax impacts of proposed options for resolution
- Reviews the couple’s assets to provide the entire financial picture
- Works with each spouse’s lawyer to develop a balanced agreement
A neutral financial specialist reviews a couple’s financial environment, helps build an interest-based plan for division of assets and support.
A Better DivorceTM is an interdisciplinary group of professionals committed to non-court, non-confrontational solutions for family law matters.
We provide you with access to qualified professionals who can help you make informed decisions about how a financial specialist help you with your divorce agreement. Contact us today!
Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or mental health advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, mental health or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.