Getting a divorce any time of the year can be hard, especially during the holidays.
Did you know there is a divorce process that can help your family deal with the emotional turmoil that often occurs during the divorce process during the holiday season?
When you and your spouse decide to utilize the non-litigated, non-adversarial, confidential approach called the collaborative divorce process, your family will be supported by a team of experts whose primary goal is to work together as a team to help you and your family complete the divorce process and move forward after your divorce has been finalized in a smooth transition.
Often, our collaborative team of attorneys, neutral financials, and mental health professionals will work with a couple to develop a plan to help their family get through the emotional triggers of the holidays.
Here are some suggestions our team offers to our clients about how they can help their children get through the holidays:
- Develop a holiday visitation schedule early, preferably in the summer or early fall, once school has started
- When possible, try to do one holiday activity as a family unit
- Each parent should start new seasonal traditions
- Share your holiday plans with your former spouse
- Work in to your plans one activity that your family experienced before the divorce
- Lower your expectations – aim for peace, not perfection
- If you are struggling with your former spouse – don’t air it in front of your children and make them choose sides
Mental health professionals, even child specialists, will help create a plan to help your kids get through the holiday season in a healthy way.
A Better DivorceTM is an interdisciplinary group of professionals who are committed to non-court, non-confrontational solutions for family law matters.
We will provide you with access to qualified professionals who can help you develop strategies that will help your family navigate the holidays in a way that keeps your family unit together. Contact us today!