Hand putting the X in the word taxes.

How Does Divorce Affect Your Taxes?

When you find yourself moving forward with a divorce, it can feel like you have a tsunami landing on top of you! There are so many moving parts. The good news is that if you and your spouse choose the collaborative process, you can work through your financial landscape in a non-adversarial, no-court method. You may also choose to have a neutral financial advisor who can help both of you develop a financial agreement that is agreeable to both of you. Often, we see couples who are divorcing that have not considered how their taxes will be impacted. And when […]

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Self-care sign pointing to the right.

Self-Care Tips for Parents Who Are Divorcing

If you have ever flown, during the in-flight safety education the flight attendants tell you that if the cabin loses pressure and you are flying with a small child, put your oxygen mask on first, then assist your child. If you don’t take the time to put yourself first in putting on the mask, you may be unable to help your child and yourself. In today’s fast-paced world, we have put ourselves last on the list, if we are even on the list at all. Putting yourself last on the list can be very detrimental to your health and emotional […]

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