Children at holiday time.

How to Share the Holidays with Your Children After Divorce

When you are in a family that has divorced or is in the process of divorcing, the stress level of the holidays increases ten-fold. The devastating truth is that children often feel like they need to pick a side, go with a certain parent, and not share their true feelings and needs. By feeling this way children, no matter their age, often dread the holiday season, and their anxiety goes off the charts. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are a few suggestions we have given our clients on how to share the holidays with their ex […]

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Children sitting on couch watching parents argue.

How To Keep Your Children Out of The Middle When You Divorce

While financial and emotional needs are critical to discuss when divorcing, the most important topic to be talked about is your children and how they will be impacted during the separation process. Divorce for children can often be traumatic because a court-litigated divorce is often filled with animosity and anger between the parents. But when you choose the non-confrontational collaborative divorce, the goal is to divorce peacefully, leaving your family unit intact. Often divorcing couples with children ask our team of divorce experts what are their best suggestions for keeping their children out of the middle during the divorce process, […]

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Woman calculating bills.

Financially Recovering After Divorce

The financial stress from a divorce ranks up there with the death of a loved one. A divorce didn’t happen overnight, so recovering from it financially won’t either. The first thing we should mention is to make sure you and your spouse divorce using the collaborative divorce process and a neutral financial mediator. The collaborative process brings financial privacy, amicable agreements and planning for the future once your divorce is finalized by utilizing a financial divorce specialist who can help both you and your spouse understand your financial landscape pre- and post-divorce. Here are a few tips a financial neutral […]

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Small chalk board with Estate Planning on it.

Updating Your Estate Plan After Divorce

When you and your spouse are finalizing your divorce, there are many things to add to your post-divorce checklist, which can sometimes feel very emotionally and financially overwhelming. Nevertheless, it is important to complete and/or update your estate plan after your divorce is finalized. In the past, estate planning was a simple process, but in today’s world, it is a very different, complex process. So many factors can play a part in your planning, from complex financials, blended marriages, multiple marriages and stepchildren. Each of these situations warrants working with an estate or trust planner who not only understands estate […]

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Woman and man sitting back-to-back

How to Know Your Relationship Is Over

When you and your spouse said, “I do,” divorce was not even on your radar screen, but as the honeymoon phase waned and time marched on, you began to discover that “happy ever after” was not going to be the outcome you desired. While there are numerous reasons divorce occurs, it is sometimes hard to realize that your relationship with your spouse has ended. We often find with our clients that there are some predictable things that occur. Here are a few of them: Daydreaming about leaving your spouse on a constant basis The bad parts of your marriage outweigh […]

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